Saxon law for the health professions
Saxon Health Professions Chamber Act of 5 July 2023
Saxony Insurance Supervision Act
Law on Insurance Supervision of the Utilities of the Liberal Professions in the Free State of Saxony of 7 November 2007 (SächsVAG)
Articles of Association of the Sächsisches Ärzteversorgung
Articles of Association (PDF, German) as amended on 28 June 2008, last amended by 6th Amendment Articles of Association of 19 June 2021.
Work of associations
SÄV is a member of the Consortium of Professional Pension Institutions e.V. - the umbrella organisation of compulsory public pension schemes for members of the hidden liberal professions. In this capacity, ABS provides a platform for the exchange of information and experience between the utilities. However, it also represents their interests in relation to policy and other pension institutions.
In order to coordinate the specific interests of the professions, we are a member of the Standing Conference ‘Medical Benefits and Welfare’ of the Federal Medical Association and the ‘Standing Conference of Benefits for Veterinary Surgeons’.