Enlarged Chamber Assembly
The Extended Chamber Assembly is our supreme institution. Their elected representatives decide, inter alia, on amendments to the statutes, annual accounts and dynamics.
Everything started here.
In April 1991, the delegates of the 1th Saxon Medical Days the decision to set up a supply network. On 2 November 1991, the Sächsische Landesärztekammer (Chamber of Chambers of Saxony) approved its extension to ten veterinarians, thus joining the Sächsische Landestierärztekammer. As a legal set of rules, the now ‘Extended Chamber Assembly’ adopted the Statutes of the SÄV. As a result, after the political transition, Saxony’s doctors and veterinarians were given the opportunity to take their pensions into their own hands and to them long before 2. World War established a tradition of professional care.
Supervisory Committee
The Supervisory Committee, as an overarching and supervisory body, is primarily responsible for supervising the activities of the Supervisory Committee. It consists of seven members of the Saxony Chamber of Physicians and two members of the Sächsisches Landestierärztekammer.
The Supervisory Committee of the 7th Parliamentary term, 2020 to 2025 (n.a.):
Medical Doctor Hanjo Belz, Dipl.-Med. Ingolf Schmidt (stv. Chairman), Vice-President of the Chamber of Physicians of Saxony, Dr med. vet. Volker Jähig, Dr med. Andreas Graetz, Steve Rößler, Dr. med. vet. Henry Ottilie, David Blei, Dr. med. Andreas Teubner, not in picture: Medical Doctor Volker Kohl (Chair)
Management Committee
The Management Committee is the executive body of the SÄV. It consists of the President of the Saxony Chamber of Physicians, four other members of the Chamber of Physicians, one member of the Landestierärztekammer and three expert members. SÄV is represented in court and out of court by the President of the Saxony Chamber of Physicians.
The Management Committee of the 7th Parliamentary term, 2020 to 2025 (n.a.):
Medical Doctor Andreas Bartusch, Dr iur. Jochim Thietz-Bartram, Dr med. Kristin Korb, Raimund Pecherz, President of the Saxony Chamber of Physicians Erik Bodendieck, Dr med. Steffen Liebscher, President of the Sächsische Landestierärztekammer Dr. med. vet. Uwe Hörügel, Dr med. Dietrich Steiner, Dipl.-Math. Mark Walddörfer